AlienFest will be held on the main corridor of Main Street. Streets will be closed from 2nd – 5th Street – 200, 300, 400 blocks of Main Street.
- We will be hosting entertainment stages on the Chaves County courthouse lawn & on 2nd & Main Street.
- Vendors will be placed on on the Chaves County Court house lawn & also up & down Main Street.
- Food truck will be on East 4th & 5th Street and also down Main Street.
- We will be hosting a Human Costume Contest on Saturday, July 1st starting at 7:30pm on the main stage on the courthouse lawn.
- Download Human Contest entry form.
- On Saturday, July 1st at 9am we will host the Pet Costume Contest. Download Alien Pet Contest entry form.
- Cash prizes will be awarded for both the Human & Pet Costume contest.
- The UFO Parade will be on Friday, June 30th. Line up starts 7:00pm on 13th/Main Street with parade taking off at 8:00pm and heading South through the Main Street of Roswell ending at 3rd Street. Landing will be on West 3rd St. in the parking lot of the Bank of the Southwest. Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place and other categories float winners. Download Parade Entry Form.
- Local Businesses – Register your establishment for our Alien-opoly Scavenger Hunt. Download the Registration Form.
ALL EVENTS ON MAIN STREET ARE FREE OF CHARGE. NO ENTRY FEE FOR PET CONTEST, HUMAN CONTEST OR PARADE. Find forms on our website at www.mainstreetroswell.org or call 575-914-8017 for more information.